Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cat on a Fence

Monty chased a cat this week. It's very hard work.

The LSU purple field news was announced on April 1. Is it true or was it an April Fools' joke?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Coffee and Friend

Bought some Caffe Verona yesterday (on sale and with a coupon) good!
We have blackberry blooms galore. They are all in the vacant lot next to us.
Gonna be having some blackberry tea in a month.

Sonny came over today to visit the dogs. He lives next door.

Friday, April 09, 2010


My seeds are sprouting

Here is a dead water snake (Nerodia rhombifer) I saw on the way to my parents. I always have my camera out when I travel on Gum Island Road because there are two Great Blue Herons that feed in the ditches. They usually fly away squawking when I try to take their picture.

Saturday, April 03, 2010


We went to Floyd's for dinner last night and then to Rao's for dessert. Also did some birthday shopping for my mother and browsing at a bookstore and pet store.

I planted most of my garden yesterday. My backyard has a lot of clay but we had some stumps (thanks to Hurricanes Rita and Ike) ground when we first moved in. These mounds of mulch might prove to be good planting areas. Time will tell.

Bayou Woman has some great pictures of snakes and gators in her recent post. She saw some very robust water snakes.

Friday, April 02, 2010

Bath Day

Monty loves a bath, and Winston and Corn prefer not to bathe.

My small azalea bush is doing well.