Sunday, September 19, 2010

Polamalu Day

What a game! Seven turnovers by Tennessee and only 127 yards of Steeler offense. Both teams used two quarterbacks.
Neighborhood cats
We call this cat Hobo. He has no tail.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Weeding and Sitting

I did some weeding this morning. Monty loves to sit in the dirt right where you're working.

Winston's eye is getting better. He has two different eye drops and an antibiotic to help. He had two vet visits this week and hopefully the final one in 10 days.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Ulcer on the Eye

Winston somehow injured his eye yesterday and now has an ulcer on it. He is on antibiotics and two types of eye drops. He goes back to the doctor Thursday. The doctor said the ulcer is melting his cornea. He will be 13 next month.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Breakfast with Pugs and Duck

Had biscuits and eggs for breakfast
Jeffrey likes to harass Winston
Jeffrey pecks and Corn and he doesn't seem to mind
Sweet Monty