Saturday, March 03, 2007


This is Bubba. Bubba thinks the dogs stink! He refuses to hang out with them. Toonces hangs out with the dogs and sleeps with them. Bubba is a loner. Bubba is 15 years old and Toonces is 16. Toonces has gained weight in his old age and Bubba has lost.
I went to Jungle Jim's today. The variety of even the normal things is huge, so it is always fun to go. I got some Oolong tea and some porcini sauce plus a few other things on sale.

I always make my own spaghetti sauce but this porcini sauce is seasoned so well I can use it straight out of the can on any pasta. I usually combine it with sausage and pasta.

For the second time in my life I had a sausage mcmuffin with cheese from McDonald's for breakfast. I never liked the English muffins by themselves but someone gave me one at work two weeks ago and I liked it. I also don't like American cheese; I'm a cheddar fan. But I don't taste the cheese, just the sausage and the muffin.

And finally the good news of the day: Dairy Queen is open. Per the garden radio show today, this may be our last weekend of real winter weather. Ah spring!

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